What Happens When You Bump into Another Wedding Entourage?

What are the odds of you and your entourage bumping into another group of wedding folks? Probably pretty slim. So when the opportunity arrives, it’s either you become civil and exchange well wishes or do something fun about it. We are lucky that our featured couple today did the latter! Upon chancing another bride and groom, they all decided to recreate the West Side Story – Sharks & Jets rivalry photo. It was all fun and laughs though!

Getting Married in Paris!

To be married and to have your engagement photos shot in a place as spectacular as Paris, France that is almost every wanderlust’s dream. Fallon and Fleetwood is head over heels over Paris so what better way to officially commemorate their love for each other than to have it there. They had a very glamorous and intimate outdoor ceremony in the infamous Jardin des Tuileries. It was proceeded by a fun shoot all around the city – from the Eiffel Tower to our favorite photo of them, by the Louvre. But Paris did not take the credit for this being a beautiful wedding, but rather it’s our couple themselves who added the graceful and romantic chemistry that in turn created an awesome event. Congratulations Fallon & Fleetwood!

When Dreams Came True

Disneyland is where dreams come true. This wedding is when our couple’s dreams had.

Marissa is passionate with all things Disney so she and her hubby, Richie decided to add a Disney detail to their beautiful October autumn wedding! And her love for this entertainment company is further warranted because one of their most important moment as a couple happened right in Disney World – when Richie proposed to Marissa right in front Cinderella’s castle. So what Disney detail did they use? The infamous “D” from Walt Disney’s handwriting. It was a good coincidence too because after their official union as husband and wife, our couple finally shared a surname that started with D, so it was hitting two birds in one stone. Congratulations Marissa & Richie!

Nautical Elegance

If you originally thought that nautical and elegance are as compatible as oil and water, then allow Jessica and David to prove you wrong – for their wedding showed that the rustic side of the seas can become an element to a very beautiful event. The day started with Jessica wearing a beautiful Monique Lhuillier beige gown and a birdcage veil – very vintage sophisticated. The ceremony was done inside a historically magnificent church which was then followed by a photo shoot by the public library and pier. Talk about fully making use of picturesque structures! It was such a delight seeing this couple being shot in a variety of backdrops – adds so much character to the album. Then the reception was adorned with nautical inspired DIY stuff and despite this, the elegance never left the building! Even the cake, which was decorated with blue nautical stripes and a hemp rope, managed to look amazing. Congratulations Jessica and David! Love ahoy!

Elegance and Heartwarming Moments

What we have here today is a traditional and elegant wedding that had some of the most heartwarming moments captured on camera. Seeing your parents cry, may it be for a sad or happy cause, is a vision their kids will never forget. So when Sidney, our bride, had her first look with her step-dad and he cried tears of joy, it truly became a scene that everyone who bears witness will cherish forever – I know we did even just by looking at one photo. It really is a sight to behold. Aside from this amazing moment, the wedding was also unforgettable due to it’s sophisticated elegant styling. The purples and blues were combined regally together all throughout the day and thus, creating a beautiful wedding event. Congratulations Sidney and Tyler!

Nature’s Finest

It’s all about location, location, location. Couples search high and low for the perfect place where they can celebrate their special day. Gone are the days when people are limited to certain choices such as hotels and tents, and now, with the right planning and styling, any place can be the right one for you. Kara and Tom were blessed to have a venue that’s not only beautiful but unique as well. It’s not everyday you hear someone saying they had their wedding reception inside a greenhouse. But aside from that, the details and decor of this feature was sweetly beautiful. I am personally in love with the simple three tiered cake with floral accents. Anyway, congratulations Kara & Tom!

Luxurious Wedding in the famous Pink Boca Raton Resort

The odds of marrying someone with the same surname as you, unless you’re a “Smith”, may be one in a hundred thousand or even a million. But odds has never been an issue for these two fated lovers. After connecting one weekend, it was improbable for them to pursue things further because they lived on each ends of the country (Florida and New York) but love moves in an amazing, albeit mysterious, way and Rachel & Seth chanced upon each other again in the airport when she had a small getaway with friends. Right there and then, they knew they were for each other. And what better way to celebrate this awesome destiny two years after but with an elegant wedding in the famous pink Boca Raton Resort in Florida. The luxurious interiors of this hotel was perfect for the gold, white, and pink details of the wedding. Everything looked so grand. Nothing but the best for a match made in heaven right? Congratulations Seth & Rachel!