Save the date cards are different from the actual invitation, and are sent out much earlier. Are these necessary for your wedding or just another way for marketers to make money from brides and grooms?

What are they for?
Save the date cards are said to be for letting guests know way ahead of time when the wedding will be. Guests are then able to mark the date on their calendars so they won’t plan anything for the day of your wedding. The thing is, most people don’t plan things that far in advance anyway, unless it’s a vacation.

When are they sent out?
Save the date cards are usually sent out anywhere from 6 to 8 months in advance. While it does give guests the opportunity to mark the calendar, it’s such a long time before the wedding that the card will likely be forgotten long before the actual invitation comes.

Extra Expense
These cards are an extra expense brides and grooms will have to cover, and for those on a budget, this can make a big difference. Depending upon the style of cards you choose, you could end up paying more than $100 for save the date cards.

Overall, if you can afford save the date cards with no problem and have your heart set on them, then go for it. However, if you only want to purchase the necessities for your wedding, you might want to skip the save the date cards.