How To Take Elegant Wedding Photos Even Without A Photographer

While a wedding photographer is one of the worthiest wedding expenditures, there are times when a couple simply can’t spare the cost. There are also times when the photographer backs out at the last moment, leaving the bride and groom unable to hire another and unsure of what to do. With these tips, it’s possible to take elegant and beautiful wedding photos even without a photographer.

Bring it In


One of the mistakes people make when trying to photograph venues and rooms is attempting to get all of the details into one photo. Rather than photographing the whole room, bring it in and focus on one small area at a time. This will capture gorgeous details that otherwise wouldn’t be seen. It also gives individuals a better idea of the venue or room as a whole.

Play Around with Different Filters


Don’t be afraid to play with different filters to make your photos look the way you want them. Add a nostalgic feeling to photos with black and white or sepia filters. This can be done with your camera or after the picture is taken through editing websites or applications. It’s a great way to get a more artistic look for certain photos, but be careful; too many filters or manipulations can result in a very amateurish-looking photo.

Don’t Forget Those Photos


Make a list of the photos you really want; the first kiss, the first dance as husband and wife, etc. Make sure you get a trusted individual to take these photos, or do what a lot of brides are doing and provide disposable cameras to each guest and create a list of shots you want. The guests take pictures and then deposit the cameras into a basket at the end of the night. This is a great way to ensure that you have all of the photos you want and plenty to choose from!

Also, Those Random Photos


Some of the most enjoyable photos of a wedding are those that focus on random elements. These often include champagne glasses, hors d’oeuvres, photos of the groom’s bowtie, etc. Make sure to get plenty of photos of the little elements of the wedding!

By following these tips, you can be sure to take some truly elegant and beautiful photos, even if you’ve found yourself suddenly without a photographer. Which of these tips is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below.


Photos by Pixabay

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