If red roses are a little too cliché for you, or you simply don’t want to carry real flowers for your Valentine’s Day wedding, then this is the post for you. Check out these amazing artificial bouquet ideas for a beautiful Valentine’s Day wedding.
Fabric Bouquet
You can still get the sentimental, feminine look of a real bouquet with a pretty fabric bouquet. Plus, you get the bonus of being able to keep the bouquet forever. These are widely available online now and if you’re crafty, you could even create your own.
Brooch Bouquet
Carry a gorgeous red brooch bouquet that is perfect for Valentine’s Day. This one also lasts forever, so you can enjoy it throughout the years of your marriage. Just make sure you have a throw bouquet to toss to your ladies!
Book Page Bouquet
If you want something truly unusual, carry a bouquet that features flowers created from book pages. These are also available online, and can be a wonderful alternative to a cut flower bouquet.
Tissue Paper Bouquet
You’d be surprised just how beautiful tissue paper bouquets can be. They’re a fantastic alternative to a cut flower bouquet, and an extra can be easily created for tossing.
Wooden Bouquet
Wooden bouquets are available in a huge variety of styles and colors, and like the others on this list, will last forever rather than just a few days. These are a fantastic alternative to real flower bouquets, and you can enjoy it for years!
These are just a few of the available alternatives to real flower bouquets and each one will work perfectly for a Valentine’s Day wedding. Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!