Weddings are steeped in superstition and full of tradition and customs. While many brides will wear something blue and place a sixpence in their shoe, most won’t know why. Here are 10 fun and interesting things you might not know about wedding day traditions.
– Brides today wear white wedding dresses most often, and it was all started by Queen Victoria in the early 1800’s. Prior to the queen’s white dress designed for her own wedding (it was an uncommon choice at the time), brides typically wore their best dress, whatever the color.
– The bridal veil is worn today in all types of styles and designs. However, it was originally worn by ancient Greeks and Roman individuals because they thought it would protect the face of the bride from evil spirits. It was also said that the veil was used in times when arranged weddings were normal, and that the groom, who negotiated for the hand of a woman, was shown her facial features only after he agreed to marry her.
– Brides today enjoy beautiful and delicious wedding cakes with their guests. This all started in ancient times when Romans would break a loaf of bread over the bride’s head. This was said to bless the bride and groom with lots of fertility to be used when the couple started a family.
– The term “tying the knot” comes from ancient practices where the bride and groom were actually bound together, usually by the hands. This was said to symbolize the couple’s commitment to each other, and was originally called a “hand fasting.”
– The “something old” in the famous wedding poem is said to symbolize the bride’s connection with her family and her past.
– The “something new” symbolizes the hope and dreams a bride has for her future.
– The “something borrowed” was originally supposed to be from a family member or friend who could boast of a very happy marriage. When the item was borrowed, the luck from that individual’s marriage was supposed to transfer over to the new bride.
– The “something blue” symbolized purity and happiness within the new marriage.
– Many brides forget about the remainder of the poem, which is “a silver sixpence in her shoe.” The silver sixpence is supposed to go in the bride’s left shoe, and symbolizes wealth and fortune for the couple. An old Scottish custom had the grooms placing silver coins in their shoe for luck, which is probably the origin of this tradition.
– The wedding bouquet comes from ancient times when brides carried bundles of herbs and grains that were supposed to drive evil spirits away.
We sure love our wedding traditions, and it’s interesting and fun to know the origins of those traditions. So, when you’re planning the big day and want to make sure those evil spirits don’t come near, remember your veil and bouquet!